We are delighted to launch this new Public Health Initiative to bring reliable, accurate, and timely information on contemporary health issues. This will be an ongoing series of presentations by respected, well-established, local health professionals. The series will be held on the third Wednesday of every month, from 6 - 8 p.m. at the Yonkers Public Library, Larkins Center, Yonkers. Admission is free, and open to the public.
Friendship Exchange to IsraelExciting opportunity to make new friends, build lasting relationships abroad, and learn another culture while having fun visiting another country! Our Club has organized this Friendship Exchange, a unique way to promote cultural understanding and help Rotarians build international network of friends - and even business partners - by exchanging teams between Rotary Clubs/Districts in different parts of the world. Instead of visiting a foreign country/city as typical stranger-tourists, Team members stay with local Rotarians, sharing their home and their family life. Sightseeing, logistics, and other aspects of the visit are jointly decided, with invaluable input from local Rotarians - much better than flying blind into a foreign country! The Team, comprising of upto five Rotarians with a possible adult companion each, i.e., a maximum total of 10 persons, to Israel is tentatively scheduled to leave on the first week of March. The trip will last 7-10 days; Team members may choose to spend more time in Israel at their own expense. Participating Rotarians bear their own airfare, medical insurance and personal expenses; hosting local Rotarians will provide lodging, boarding and transportation. Reciprocally, each Team member is expected to host, or arrange for hosting, a Rotarian guest couple from Israel when the reciprocal Friendship Exchange Team from Israel visits us. This is extremely meaningful and fulfilling in terms of cultural and international understanding, and leads to long-term relationships. What a breathtaking difference from the usual made-for-tourist filter through which we usually get to see places! Only five Rotarians can partake in this Exchange, and will be selected on a first come-first serve basis. Interest is expected to be very high, so if you’re interested, let us know asap by email at |
Public Health Initiative - Breast Cancer Lesion Detection Outreach Phase 3
Public Health Initiative
Breast Cancer Lesion Screening: Second Phase in PeekskillOn July 17, 2021, we commenced the second phase of the much-heralded Public Health Initiative, an outreach program for early detection of breast cancer lesions based on an innovative new device, iBreastExam.
Breast Cancer Lesion Screening: First Phase Completed!We completed the first phase of the much-heralded Public Health Initiative, an outreach program for early detection of breast cancer lesions based on an innovative new device, iBreastExam. United Community Center of Westchester hosted this outreach at its premises in New Rochelle, New York. Dr. Maria Castaldi, Head of Breast Cancer Surgery, Westchester Medical Center, and her hand-picked medical team conducted the tests from May 22 - June 12, 2021. Despite the COVID-19 restrictions and fears, we tested and gave follow-up instructions to 96 women. This was our first project, and illustrates our dedicated, dynamic, and action-oriented Club! |
First Phase Completed: Outreach for Breast Cancer Lesion ScreeningWe completed the first phase of the much-heralded Public Health Initiative, an outreach program for early detection of breast cancer lesions based on an innovative new device, iBreastExam. United Community Center of Westchester hosted this outreach at its premises in New Rochelle, New York. Dr. Maria Castaldi, Head of Breast Cancer Surgery, Westchester Medical Center, and her hand-picked medical team conducted the tests from May 22 - June 12, 2021. Despite the COVID-19 restrictions and fears, we tested and gave follow-up instructions to 96 women. This was our first project, and illustrates our dedicated, dynamic, and action-oriented Club! |
Outreach for Screening of Breast Cancer Lesions With iBreastExamWe are delighted that we completed the first phase of the Outreach program. We tested about 100 women for breast cancer lesion in an outreach project hosted by the United Community Center, 360 North Avenue, New Rochelle, NY. Congratulations to our team that made it happen!
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Rotary’s Response to the 1918 Flu Pandemic
This is how Rotary responded to the influenza pandemic that began in 1918 and came in three waves, lasting more than a year. The Rotary Club of Berkeley, California, USA, meets in John Hinkel Park during the 1918 flu pandemic. |
Rotary at the Start of the United Nations
During World War II, Rotary informed and educated members about the formation of the United Nations and the importance of planning for peace. Materials such as the booklet “From Here On!” and articles in The Rotarian helped members understand the UN before it was formally established and follow its work after its charter. Many countries were fighting the war when the term “United Nations” was first used officially in the 1942 “Declaration by United Nations.” The 26 nations that signed it pledged to uphold the ideals expressed by the United States and the United Kingdom the previous year of the common principles “on which they based their hopes for a better future for the world.”
History of Women in RotaryWomen are active participants in Rotary, serving their communities in increasing numbers and serving in leadership positions in Rotary. The 1989 Council on Legislation vote to admit women into Rotary clubs worldwide remains a watershed moment in the history of Rotary. “My fellow delegates, I would like to remind you that the world of 1989 is very different to the world of 1905. I sincerely believe that Rotary has to adapt itself to a changing world,” said Frank J. Devlyn, who would go on to become RI president in 2000-01. The vote followed the decades-long efforts of men and women from all over the Rotary world to allow the admission of women into Rotary clubs, and several close votes at previous Council meetings.
Young Inventor Eco-Friendly Bricks Come Full Circle
First Club in Philippines Opens Door to Rotary in Asia
The club would be the only one in the country for more than 12 years. Eventually, Manila club members organized Rotary clubs in the Philippine cities of Cebu (1932) and Iloilo (1933). Iloilo club members then started a club in Bacolod (1937), and Rotary continued to expand across the country. |